Hola, Honduras!








Copan Ruinas, Honduras
And just like that, five hours on a bus, two stamps of the passport, and three dollars for a Honduran entry fee later, I’m in a new country. My current travelling partner Meera and I have quickly settled into the tiny little town of Copan Ruinas, the gateway to the famous ruins of Copan. With little more than some steep stoned streets, souvenir stands, stray dogs, and an archetypal yet pretty little square, the town is still extremely inviting and comfortable, with locals smiling and eager to chat. A few laps around the park and some Mayan nut coffees later and we already feel like we can navigate our way around quite easily. I keep saying to her, “We’re in Honduras…!” Because that’s how it is, that’s how I always feel when I arrive in a new country – excited, bewildered, blessed.
 We’re off to explore the ruins tomorrow, and then I head to the coast on Tuesday…
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